How to Fit in a Workout for Working Moms

How to Fit in a Workout for Working Moms


The life of a mom is a busy one. From caring for your family, and running your household, to managing your career a lot is going on often all at once. Trying to fit in a workout with everything else seems impossible. However, it is possible and easier than you think.


Why You Should Prioritize Working-out

It’s easier to push workouts to the bottom of the list, but it’s more beneficial to make it a priority. Taking time for your health positively impacts your physical and mental well-being while also reducing stress. By prioritizing your health and wellness, you not only improve your quality of life but also show up better for your family.


How to Fit in a Quick Workout

The good news is you don’t have to do a long session, a workout can be done in 30 minutes. If you don’t have time to make it to the gym, at-home exercise will work just as well. You could wake up earlier in the morning when your kids and partner are still asleep or later in the evening after they are in bed.

You can also work out as a family, such as going for a walk or taking a bike ride. Even regular play with your kids can be an opportunity for exercise. A game of tag or hide and seek are a great way to get movement in.


Create a Schedule

Ever heard the saying “If you fail to make a plane you plan to fail”? Well, there’s some truth to that. Making an appointment with yourself is a good way to hold yourself accountable. You can plan your workout days weekly, choose a time best for you, and put them in your calendar even setting a reminder for when the time comes.


Working out at the office

For moms who work outside the home, there are opportunities to work out at the office. You can get a workout during your morning commute by walking or biking to the office instead of driving if feasible. While sitting at your desk you can swap out your chair for a medicine e ball. You can also exercise during your lunch break. If you can’t make it to the gym there are short lunchtime exercises you can do, you can go for a walk and include a coworker as a buddy or accountability partner.



Focusing on your mind and body doesn’t have to be out of reach. Incorporating short exercise sessions into your day will not only help you reach your fitness goals but will also help you become the best version of yourself in other areas of your life.